Bomb Threat Information [English/Spanish]

Dear Families,

The following message was sent out to all FHS families.

 At approximately 11:02, we received an anonymous phone call of a bomb threat at Fillmore High School. The sheriff’s department was immediately contacted and out of an abundance of caution all students and staff have been safely evacuated. We are awaiting on instruction from law enforcement. We will provide an update as soon as we have more information.

Queridas Familias de Fillmore High School,

Aproximadamente a las 11:02 recibimos una llamada anónima de una amenaza a Fillmore High School.  El departamento de policía fue contactado inmediatamente y para precaución todos estudiantes y empleados han sido evacuados.  Estamos esperando instrucciones de la policía.  Les dejaremos saber en cuanto recibamos información nueva.

Thank you,
Christine Schieferle