Dr. Isaac Huang
Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Christine Schieferle said, “We are delighted to share that as a result of action taken at the April 2, 2024 School Board meeting, Dr. Isaac Huang was appointed as the Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services commencing on July 1, 2024.
Dr. Huang's previous role was Director of Expanded Learning, where he spearheaded the development of innovative programs and expanded learning opportunities for all students in our district. In October, Dr. Huang was asked to fill an interim appointment as Assistant Superintendent of Education Services where he quickly transitioned to fill that vacant seat. His transition was smooth as he quickly acclimated to keep all functions of Education Services key initiatives successfully moving forward. He has proved to be a valuable leader in FUSD where he is dedicated to supporting our educational programs.
With an extensive two-decade career in education, Dr. Huang has consistently prioritized meeting the holistic needs of students, encompassing their academic, social-emotional, and physical well-being. His dedication to the field of education spans the entire educational spectrum, from early childhood education to adult learning.
Dr. Huang is a strong advocate for instilling growth mindsets and fostering a culture of active learners rather than passive students. He places a significant emphasis on equity and diversity, exemplified by his participation in the Inaugural Equity Task Force of the Conejo Valley Unified School District. In his free time, Dr. Huang dedicates himself to serving others through his involvement with the CALSA (California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators) Mentoring Committee. He also holds the position of Past-President and is a founding member of CAAPLE (California Association of Asian Pacific Leaders in Education).
Furthermore, Dr. Huang is an active board member of the California Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (CASCD), an organization committed to promoting exemplary practices that ensure all learners reach their fullest potential. His dedication to educational leadership extends beyond his professional duties, reflecting his commitment to driving positive change in education.
Dr. Huang's educational achievements include a Doctor of Education degree from USC, a Master of Arts degree in Education Administration from California State University Los Angeles, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Child Development from California State University Northridge.
His professional journey commenced as a preschool educator and progressed to become an elementary school teacher. He subsequently served as a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) with a focus on curriculum and second language acquisition. Dr. Huang has also contributed his expertise by teaching at Rose City Continuation High School in Pasadena and instructing post-secondary candidates in the MAT Program at the University of Southern California as an Adjunct Professor.
In administrative roles, Dr. Huang has served as a site administrator at both the elementary and middle school levels. Notably, he served as the principal and lead educator at Madrona Elementary in the Conejo Valley Unified School District. His remarkable contributions were acknowledged by CALSA, which named him the 2021 Statewide Site Administrator of the Year for his unwavering dedication to creating a community that fosters innovative and equitable learning opportunities for the students they serve.
We look forward to Dr. Huang’s continued leadership as Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services.”