Important Message from Superintendent Schieferle

Dear Fillmore High School Families,

The precautionary lockdown at Fillmore High School has been cleared.

This morning, Fillmore High School was placed on a precautionary lockdown due to an anonymous report of a bomb threat at a specific location on campus. Law enforcement was immediately contacted and searched the area. Law enforcement has determined that the threat was not credible and the area was thoroughly searched by deputies. The lockdown has been lifted and there is no threat to students and staff. Additional law enforcement officers will be on campus for the remainder of the day. All parents and staff were notified of the precautionary lockdown through the District’s communication system. Seniors have departed for their Senior trip. All belongings were searched, and a School Resource Officer is accompanying students on this trip.

Again, the precautionary lockdown at Fillmore High School has been cleared.

Christine Schieferle, Superintendent
Fillmore Unified School District

Este es un mensaje de parte de Superintendente Christine Schieferle

Queridas Familias de Fillmore High School,

El confinamiento en Fillmore High School ha terminado.  Esta mañana Fillmore High School fue puesta en un confinamiento por una amenaza que recibimos a un área específica de Fillmore High School.  El departamento de policía fue contactado inmediatamente y busco el área.  La policía determino que no hay peligro a los estudiantes o al personal.  Oficiales de policía seguirán en Fillmore High School este día.  Padres y personal fueron notificados usando el sistema de comunicación del distrito.

Los estudiantes del grado 12 se han ido a su viaje a Disneyland.  Sus pertenencias fueron investigadas y un oficial los acompaño al viaje. 

Otra vez, el confinamiento ha terminado en Fillmore High School.