State to Consider Lifting School Mask Mandate in Two Weeks

Starting this Wednesday, vaccinated Californians will no longer be required to wear masks in public places, but the mask mandate will remain in effect for K-12 schools for at least two more weeks. Today, the state set February 28 as the date to consider lifting the mask requirement at schools. Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of the California Health & Human Services Agency, made the announcement today, saying that additional time is needed to evaluate the latest data about the spread of COVID-19.

Dr. César Morales, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools, says he believes the time has come for the state to have a uniform mask policy for schools and the community. “With COVID-19 case numbers declining and the fact that schools are among the safest places in our community, I believe the mask mandate should be lifted at schools at the same time it is for the rest of the state,” he said. “Even after masks become optional, anyone who wants to continue using them should feel comfortable doing so. I’m confident schools will remain safe environments for students and staff by adhering to required safety protocols. Families have an important role to play as well by keeping kids home whenever they have symptoms.”

For now, the existing requirement that students and staff wear masks indoors at school remains in effect. “I urge everyone to remember that local school districts do not have the authority to lift school mask mandates before the state decides to do it,” Dr. Morales said.

For the latest information about COVID-19 and Ventura County schools, please visit