Important Message From Superientendent Schieferle

Dear FUSD Community,

We are aware of rumors circulating on social media, specifically TikTok, threatening violence at schools nationwide on December 17. While these threats are unsubstantiated and do not mention Fillmore Unified Schools nor any Ventura County schools, FUSD is taking extra safety measures around our campuses tomorrow, December 17. Ensuring that schools are safe places for students and staff to learn and grow will remain the top priority. We have a strong partnership with our local police department and are working together to ensure increased police presence in and around our school campuses tomorrow. We also have counselors at each of our school sites available for students who would like to speak to someone.

Despite the recent increase in inappropriate social media activity across the country, we are grateful that the vast majority of students do the right thing every day. We ask that families continue to talk with their children and emphasize the key points below.

  • Schools take every threat seriously, and schools are safe places.

  • It is essential that students do not re-post items like this as it creates a cycle of fear and complicates the investigation.

  • Students may face possible suspension and/or expulsion for making threats, along with potential legal consequences.

Sharing this information is not meant to frighten our families but rather to keep you informed and to work together as a community to keep our students safe and to keep the lines of communication open. Students who see or hear anything concerning during school hours should report it to a school staff member. Anyone who obtains information after hours should notify local law enforcement.

Thank you,
Christine Schieferle, Superintendent
Fillmore Unified School District