Superintendent Schieferle’s End of Year Message [English/Spanish]

Christine Schieferle, Superintendent, Fillmore Unified School District

Dear FUSD Community,

As we wrap up the 2022-23 school year, I extend my deepest gratitude to every person that makes up our amazing FUSD Family. This includes our awesome students, engaged parents, hardworking staff members, and dedicated community members who all continue to do their part to invest in our kids in Fillmore and Piru.

Fillmore Unified is a special place to work, live, and learn. It has always been the people here that truly make this community and school district such a wonderful place to call home. As your Superintendent, proud FHS alumna, and community member, I thank you for the ways you continue to unite around our collective purpose of supporting each student and their future goals.

Our students excel in so many amazing ways, making our entire community immensely proud of their efforts and accomplishments. Last week we celebrated the Class of 2023. Below are just a few of their accolades:

·         $483,150 awarded at FHS Senior Scholarship Awards Night

·         CA Scholastic Federation (CSF): 36 students

·         California State Seal of Biliteracy: 30 students

·         Golden State Seal Merit: 42 students

·         Valedictorians: 21 students

·         Admitted to the University of California (UC) System: 27 students

·         Admitted to over 40 different Universities and Colleges

         (Twenty different California State Universities, eight UCs, USC, Santa Clara University, and California Lutheran University)

·         Bill and Melinda Gates Scholarship Recipient

·         Armed Forces: five students

          o   U.S. Airforce

          o   U.S. Army

          o   U.S. Marine Corps

We have had an incredible year, thanks to all of you! For those of you who have a child returning to our district in the fall, we are working hard over the summer to prepare for the 2023-2024 school year. Over the summer we will continue to share information with you about the upcoming school year through Parent Square messages, posts on our website, and social media.

I wish you a very happy and restful summer break. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, your child, and the Fillmore Unified School District. I look forward to seeing everyone back on August 16 for the First Day of School.


Christine Schieferle


Estimada Comunidad del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fillmore,

Al concluir el año escolar 2022-23, extiendo mi más profundo agradecimiento a todas las personas que componen nuestra increíble Familia del Distrito Escolar de Fillmore.  Esto incluye a nuestros increíbles estudiantes, padres involucrados, el personal escolar que trabaja arduamente y la comunidad que se dedica a continuar haciendo su parte para invertir en nuestros estudiantes en Fillmore y Piru.

El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fillmore es un lugar especial para trabajar, vivir y aprender.  Han sido siempre la gente aquí las que verdaderamente hace de esta comunidad y distrito escolar un lugar tan maravilloso y acogedor. Como su Superintendenta, orgullosa egresada de la Escuela Secundaria de Fillmore y miembra de la comunidad, yo les agradezco la manera en que continúan uniéndose en torno a nuestro propósito colectivo de apoyar a cada estudiante y sus metas futuras.

Nuestros estudiantes sobresalen de muchas maneras asombrosas, lo cual hace que toda nuestra comunidad se sienta inmensamente orgullosa de sus esfuerzos y logros. La semana pasada, celebramos la Clase de los Graduados de 2023. A continuación se muestran solo algunos de sus logros:

·         $483,150 otorgados en la noche de Premios de Becas para Estudiantes del Grado 12 de la Escuela Secundaria de Fillmore

·         La Federación Escolar de California (CSF) – 36 estudiantes

·         Sello de Alfabetización Bilingüe del Estado de California; 30 estudiantes

·         Sello de Mérito Golden State – 42 estudiantes

·         Valedictorianos (con promedio de calificaciones de 4.0 y mayor) - 21 estudiantes

·         Estudiantes aceptados al Sistema de la Universidad de California (UC) – 27 estudiantes

·         Estudiantes aceptados en más de 40 universidades y colegios diferentes

(20 universidades estatales de California diferentes, 8 UC, USC, Universidad de Santa Clara

y Universidad Luterana de California)

·         Beneficiario de la Beca Bill y Melinda Gates

·         Fuerzas Armadas – 5 estudiantes

          o   Fuerza Aérea de EEUU

          o   Ejército de EEUU

          o   Cuerpo de los Marines de EEUU

¡Hemos tenido un año increíble gracias a todos ustedes! Para los que tienen un hijo(a) que regresa a nuestro distrito escolar en agosto, estamos trabajando arduamente durante el verano para prepararnos para el año escolar 2023-2024. Durante el verano, continuaremos compartiendo información con usted sobre el próximo año escolar a través de mensajes por medio del app de Parent Square y publicaciones en nuestro sitio web y redes sociales.

Les deseo unas vacaciones de verano muy felices y tranquilas. Gracias por la oportunidad de servirle a usted, a su hijo(a) y al Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fillmore. Espero verlos a todos el 16 de agosto para el Primer Día de Escuela del 2023-2024.



Christine Schieferle

Alanna Garcia, Student of the Year, Fillmore High School

Alanna exemplifies all areas of Fillmore High School - Academics, Arts, Athletics, and Activities. She pursued and excelled in the most rigorous course of study. This is evidenced by her taking ten college courses at two different community colleges and four Advanced Placement courses, all while maintaining a 4.50 GPA. Alanna thrives in her role as a school leader. She is Senior Class President, a Pep Squad Captain for four years, FFA Chapter President and Regional Vice President, and has held many other leadership positions during her high school career. Her involvement and sense of service has won the respect of teachers, community members and fellow students. C.S. Lewis said, "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." Alanna epitomizes this statement. Out of all the students staff have worked with, Alanna stands out among them as someone who has high integrity and ethics. Her teachers describe her as ambitious, sociable, passionate, and a natural leader. This fall, Alanna will attend UCLA and double major in Psychology and Communications.

Sofia Santa Rosa, Student of the Year, Sierra High School

Sofia is a true standout at Sierra High School, having earned nearly every award the school has to offer. She is a member of ASB and a school leader, having organized Senior Sunset, serving as a DJ for the campus, and just recently coordinated a Mother’s Day Event to celebrate all women at SHS. Despite being a star student in all her classes, she isn’t afraid to seek extra help in math, often arriving early for tutoring sessions to improve her skills. Her impressive list of accolades includes the PRIDE award, which recognizes students who demonstrate positive attitudes, respect, integrity, determination, and excellence. She has also received the Responsibility Award for never being tardy, as well as awards for Citizenship, Service Appreciation, and Academic Excellence. Sofia is known for her kind and compassionate nature; she never hesitates to lend a listening ear or a helping hand to anyone in need. Many students seek her out for counseling and emotional support, and she always makes time to be there for them. Sophia is attending Ventura College in the fall and plans to become an ultrasound technician.

TK/Kindergarten Boot Camp [English/Spanish]

Fillmore Unified School District is providing a one week in-person TK/Kindergarten Boot Camp for FUSD students from July 31st - August 4th, 2023 from 8am to 11 am. The Boot Camp offers engaging opportunities focused on school readiness. Transportation will be provided to students who receive transportation services during the school year. Space is limited and early registration is encouraged.

College of the Week: College of Wooster

College of Wooster is a private institution that was founded in 1866. Its setting is city, and the campus size is 240 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. From the first freshman seminar to the final day when seniors hand in their theses, the college paves each student’s path to independence.

The student-faculty ratio at College of Wooster is 11:1, and the school has 71.1% of its classes with fewer than 20 students. The average freshman retention rate, an indicator of student satisfaction, is 86%. (

For more information on Fillmore High School's Colleges of the Week go to