Ventura County Migrant Speech and Debate Competition [English/Spanish]

On May 21, 2022, students from Fillmore Unified participated in the Ventura County Migrant Speech and Debate competition at Oxnard College. A total of 9 students participated in the speech portion of the competition in both English and Spanish. Congratulations to all our student for their hard work and participation.

El 21 de mayo de 2022, los estudiantes de Fillmore Unified participaron en la competencia de Discurso y Debate para Migrantes del Condado de Ventura en Oxnard College. Un total de 9 estudiantes participaron en la parte de discurso de la competencia tanto en inglés como en español. Felicitaciones a todos nuestros estudiantes por su arduo trabajo y participación.

Mensaje importante de Superintendente Schieferle

Estimadas familias de la escuela secundaria de Fillmore,

Esta mañana, recibimos información sobre un rumor que circulaba sobre una amenaza potencial en nuestro reunión estudiantil de la Escuela Secundaria de Fillmore esta tarde. Inmediatamente nos comunicamos con el Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Ventura para investigar esta posible amenaza. Luego de una investigación, el Departamento del Sheriff determinó que la amenaza no tiene validad y que no hay peligro para los estudiantes y el personal de la Escuela Secundaria de Fillmore. También se nos notificó que hubo una publicación en Internet sobre una amenaza similar en otra escuela secundaria en el condado de Ventura. Desafortunadamente, esta publicación sin validad ha creado miedo dentro de nuestra comunidad escolar. Una vez más, el rumor de una amenaza en la reunión estudiantil de la FHS se ha considerado sin validad. Por precaución, tendremos oficiales adicionales en y alrededor del campus de FHS hoy y en la reunión estudiantil. Tenga en cuenta que tomamos toda la información con seriedad y la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal es nuestra prioridad. Nos gustaría recordar a toda nuestra comunidad escolar, si ven algo, díganlo. Sigamos trabajando juntos para mantener seguras nuestras escuelas y nuestra comunidad.

Christine Schieferle, Superintendente

Important Message from Superintendent Schieferle

Dear Fillmore High School Families,

This morning, we received information about a rumor being circulated about a potential threat at our Fillmore High School rally this afternoon. We immediately contacted Ventura County Sherriff’s Department to investigate this potential threat. Following an investigation, the Sherriff’s Department determined that the threat is not credible and there is no danger to Fillmore High School students and staff. We have also been notified that there was an internet post regarding a similar threat at another high school in Ventura County. Unfortunately, this noncredible post has created fear within our school community. Again, the rumor of a threat at the FHS rally has been deemed noncredible. Out of an abundance of caution, we will have additional deputies in and around the FHS campus today and at the rally. Please know we take all information seriously and the safety of our students and staff is our priority. We would like to remind all of our school community, if you see something, say something. Let’s continue to work together to keep our schools and community safe.

Thank you,
Christine Schieferle, Superintendent
Fillmore Unified School District

Free Mental Health Event

Mental Health Matters! In partnership with Ventura County Office of Education, Fillmore Unified School District would like to invite families to participate in a free event titled empower up. The event is Saturday, June 4th from 11:00-2:30 at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center. Day care and translation will be available. See flyer QR code to register or use this link for English and this link for Spanish

A Message From Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Christine Schieferle

Dear FUSD Community,  

We are heartbroken by the tragic news of the mass school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, and send our thoughts and prayers to all who were affected by this senseless tragedy.

We anticipate that students may have questions as they learn of this tragic event, and are offering the following resources to help parents and educators respond in the most appropriate way.

School counselors are also available at all of our school sites, and we have posted additional mental health resources on each school’s webpage.

Please know the safety and mental health of our students and staff is our utmost priority. We encourage our families to reach out to their school administrator for additional support or resources.

Christine Schieferle, Superintendent
Fillmore Unified School District

Actualizar: Mensaje Importante de Superintendente Schieferle

Estimadas Familias del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fillmore,

El siguiente es un mensaje importante de parte de Christine Schieferle, Superintendente de nuestro  distrito escolar.  Hoy, poco después de la 1PM, fuimos notificado de un altercado entre dos estudiantes de Fillmore High School que involucró el uso de una navaja en el plantel escolar.  Uno de los estudiante sufrió lesiones sin amenaza a la vida.  El otro estudiante fue detenido por autoridades del la Oficína del Sheriff del Condado de Ventura.  El incidente fue aislado,  y ningun otro estudiante estuvo en peligro. Clases terminaron al horario normal y los estudiantes salieron de la escuela a las 3:02PM.  Por question de privacidad estudiantil, más detalles sobre el incidente pueden ser compartidos.

Quiero asegurar a nuestras familias que nuestros estudiantes estarán salvos y seguros en la escuela mañana.  No toleramos violencia en nuestros planteles y estamos tomando medidas apropiadas para responder a estas situaciones.  Precauciones mañana incluyirán patrullas adicionales al rededor de la escuela. También habrán consejeras disponible para cualquier estudiante que necesite los servicios.

Gracias a todos por su apoyo y comprensión mientras trabajamos con autoridades de la ley, y sepan que la seguridad de sus hijos es nuestra prioridad primordial.

Christine Schieferle, Superintendente
Fillmore Unified School District

Update: Message From Superintendent Schieferle

Dear FUSD Community,

Shortly after 1:00 PM today, we were notified of an altercation between two Filmore High School students involving a knife on our high school campus. One student sustained a non-life-threatening injury. The other student was detained by deputies with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office. This was an isolated incident, and no other students were in danger. School was dismissed at the regular time of 3:02 PM. Due to student privacy issues, we are unable to release additional details about the incident at this time.

I want to reassure our families that it will be safe for students to return to school tomorrow. We do not tolerate violence on campus and are taking all appropriate measures to respond to this situation. Out of an abundance of caution, the Sheriff’s office will provide extra patrols in and around the school tomorrow. We are also making counselors available to any student who needs them.

Thank you to our families for your patience and understanding as we worked closely with law enforcement to address this incident, and please know the safety of our students and staff is our utmost priority.

Christine Schieferle, Superintendent
Fillmore Unified School District

Mensaje importante de Superintendente Schieferle

Estimadas familias de FUSD,

Este es un mensaje importante de Christine Schieferle, Superintendente del distrito escolar unificado de Fillmore.

Nos notificaron de una pelea entre dos estudiantes de la escuela Fillmore High School que involucraba una navaja en la escuela. Un estudiante sufrió una lesión que no puso en peligro su vida. La persona de interés a sido detenida por el Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Ventura y los agentes están en la escuela. En este momento, todos los estudiantes permanecerán en el quinto período mientras la evidencia es colectada. Una vez más, todos los estudiantes están seguros y no hay una amenaza continua en la escuela. Los estudiantes serán despedidos a la hora regular de las 3:02 pm.

Important Message from Superintendent Schieferle

Dear FUSD Families,

This is an important message from Christine Schieferle, Superintendent for the Fillmore unified school district.

We were notified of an altercation between two Fillmore high School students involving a knife on our high school campus. One student sustained a non-life-threatening injury. The person of interest is being detained by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department and deputies are on campus. At this time, all students will remain in 5th period while evidence is being collected. Again, all students are safe and there is no ongoing threat on campus. Students will be released at the regular dismissal time of 3:02 pm.

Christine Schieferle, Superintendent,
Fillmore Unified School District

School Lunch Hero Day

FUSD child nutrition professionals are true heroes. Preparing healthy meals for students, adhering to strict nutrition standards, navigating student food allergies, and offering service with a smile, On May 6, 2022, we said thank you for everything you do for our students.

We would also like to recognize everyone in the Child Nutrition department for helping ensure that our students, and the entire Child Nutrition staff, are supported and well taken care of.

A big THANK YOU to Mariela Contreras, Account Clerk. Michelle Ruiz, Office Clerk. Carrie Alamillo, District Catering/Prep Chef. Marco Sandoval, Warehouse Receiving/Delivery Clerk. Barbara Vazquez, Child Nutrition Programs Manager. and Jason Corona, Director of Child Nutrition.

Fillmore High School/Sierra High School staff (l-r) Mary Garcia, Yolanda Guzman, Betty Villalobos, Wynona Cronin, Raquel Tamayo, Elena Preciado, (inset) Rosa Hernandez.

Fillmore Middle School staff (l-r) Tonya Garcia, Linda Orozco, Jessica Avila Villalobos, Maggie Lemuz (squatting), Rebecca Ibarra, Nicole Myers.

Mountain Vista staff (l-r) Norma Bermudez, Araceli Lefferts, Gema Villela, Reyna Lopez, Rocio Rivera.

Piru Elementary staff (l-r) Martha Minero. Rosie Hurtado, Yazmin Medina.

Rio Vista staff (l-r) Laurie Montano, Tammy Short, Rosalinda Rangel, Mariah Gonzalez.

San Cayetano staff (l-r) Gabby Cordero, Sandra Galvin, Rosie Arredondo, Lori Schneider.