Distance Learning Opportunities


Dear Fillmore High School Students and Families,

We understand that these are very trying times, and we hope that everyone is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. The past few days Fillmore High School teachers and staff have been working to prepare distance learning opportunities for all Fillmore High School students. The purpose of these assignments is for students to review and/or practice previous learning. Although this work will not be submitted at this time, students are encouraged to hold onto all completed work until further notice. Although this work will not be graded, it is important that students complete as much work as possible to prepare for our hopeful return to school on May 4th.

There are two ways to access distance learning opportunities. 1. Access through the Fillmore High School website. Simply go to the Fillmore High School website and then go to the “Distance Learning Opportunities” tab. Or use this link: Distance Learning. Once inside the distance learning tab, you will find the activities for each class that you have. We encourage students to access this method if possible. 2. For students unable to access “Distance Learning Opportunities” online: you may come to the front of Fillmore High School Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 am – 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to pick up hard copies of the work.

We will be enforcing strict social distancing protocols for students who come to pick up work, and students will not be allowed on campus; all pickups will be in the front of the school. If you or anyone in your family is ill, please do not come on site. Your health and the health of others is our priority.

Attention AP Students- please check your email and contact your AP Teachers by email.

Again, we understand that these are very trying times and we hope that everyone is healthy and safe.

John Wilber
Principal, Fillmore High school