celebrating the end of the quarter!

Friday was a big day of celebrating the end of the quarter! Students were selected by their teachers to earn awards for academic excellence, citizenship, service appreciation, and most improved for each of their classes. Students who were on time every single day earned the Responsibility award. We are very proud of their hard work! The new quarter starts on Monday, October 16th after our fall break.

Sierra High has had a busy quarter!

Sierra High has had a busy quarter! This week is finals week. We will be having our quarter awards on Friday at 10am. It is a minimum day so students will leave for their fall break after lunch at 11:35am. When we return on October 16th it will be a new quarter with new schedules! It seems like the new year just started, but in 4 more days these students will have completed the equivalent of a semester of credits! We are very proud of all of them. This is a great group of future graduates who are making Fillmore and Piru proud!

Back to School Orientation

Thank you to the overwhelming amount of families showing support of their child at our Back to School Orientation last night! We had the most participation ever. It shows us that this school year will be our best one yet! We will be planning FUN family events this year and we are so grateful to the families that have offered to help! The saying, "it takes a village to raise a child" is very true and we are encouraged by how much bigger this village is getting!

We can not wait to see all of our students' smiling faces tomorrow at 8:25!
Students will need to bring their laptops so that we can make sure they are all working by the end of the day. School releases at 1:25.

For the very few of you that missed our orientation we will be sending home the information you missed. It explains all of our school policies and procedures. Please reach out if you have questions. 805-524-8202.

Here is our Quick Reference Guide! !!School Info!!

Here is our Quick Reference Guide! Here your will find our bell schedule for the year, contact information, important dates, and numbers to call if you need support! A copy of this will be provided to every family on Monday during our orientation. We look forward to seeing you then! (please note that dismissal time is at 1:25pm, as a prior version had an error)

August 14th:

Registration Support 5:30-6:00

Orientation 6-7pm.

Orientation Presentations start at 6pm sharp!

All students and one of their adult family members needs to attend!

Our Back-to-School Welcome Newsletter is here!

Exciting News! Our Back-to-School Welcome Newsletter is here!

Discover essential details about the upcoming orientation - date, time, and what to expect. Also, find our dress code and comprehensive school supplies list for a successful start! Remember to read the dress code before shopping!

The newsletter includes a handy reference guide with important dates, bell schedule, and contacts for a smooth academic journey!

Preview the newsletter here and the physical copies will be in your mail this week.

For questions, email ahenrey@fillmoreusd.org. We're here to support you!

Let's make this school year the best one yet! See you at the Back-to-School Orientation on August 14th!

Exciting news! Our welcome back to school newsletter is here!

In the newsletter, essential details about the upcoming orientation - date, time and what to expect. We've included the dress code and a comprehensive list of school supplies for a successful start. Remember to read the dress code before shopping!.

You will also find a handy reference guide with important dates, times and contacts for an organized academic trip.

The attached bulletin in pictures. Physical copies being sent out soon.

For inquiries, email ahenrey@fillmoreusd.org . We're here to support you!

Let's make this school year the best yet! See you at Back to School Orientation on August 14th!. Mark your calendars!

2023-2024 School Year Calendar [English/Spanish]

We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on August 16, 2023! Fillmore Unified School District staff from all departments including Grounds, Maintenance, Technology, Food Services, Custodial, Clerical, and School Farm are working hard this summer to ensure all our school campuses will be ready to welcome approximately 3700 students to the 2023-24 school year. Principals will soon be preparing welcome letters for all students, parents, and guardians. English and Spanish versions of the 2023-24 school year calendars are also available to download and print at: https://www.fillmoreusd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=369870&type=d&pREC_ID=2428841

Save the date! Aug 14th!!

SAVE THE DATE! Keep an eye out in the mail next week for more information!

Sierra and Heritage Valley will be having Back To School Orientation for ALL students and an adult family member on August 14th, 6pm-7pm. Students will recieve their schedules at this time. Families will rotate to each classroom every ten minutes. During each rotation teacher's will introduce themselves, share key information about thier expectations, and each class will share important information about school procedures that families need to know in order to have a successful year.

Our front office is still closed for the summer but you can email questions to the principal, Mrs. Henrey, at ahenrey@fillmoreusd.org!